International Scientific Publishing in Reputable Journals

International Scientific Publishing in Reputable Journals

Presented by Professor Khaled Al-Husseini

Course Topics:

  • International Publishing Standards: This section will delve into the standards used by esteemed international journals to assess research papers. You will gain valuable insights into the criteria these journals employ to ensure the quality and rigor of published research.
  • Writing a Research Paper: This section will offer a comprehensive overview of the entire research paper writing process, from formulating a compelling research question to crafting a robust conclusion. Learn the essential steps and best practices for composing a high-impact research paper.
  • Choosing the Appropriate Scientific Journal: Navigating the vast landscape of scientific journals can be challenging. This section will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to identify the most suitable journal for your research paper, ensuring maximum exposure and impact within your field.
  • Referees’ Decisions: The peer review process plays a crucial role in the publication of research. This section will demystify the process and provide practical guidance on how to effectively respond to reviewers’ comments, maximizing your chances of publication success.

Lecture Details:

  • Date: Monday, December 11, 2023
  • Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
  • Location: Building 1, Lecture Hall
  • Zoom Link: Available upon registration
  • Organizing Body: Research, Development and Innovation Unit

This seminar is a valuable opportunity for researchers, faculty members, and students interested in:

  • Enhancing their understanding of international scientific publishing standards
  • Mastering the art of writing impactful research papers
  • Identifying the right journals for their research
  • Navigating the peer review process effectively